From: 好好學習 天天向上
1. Right, let's get started.
2. Let me introduce myself.
3. I've divided my presentation into three main parts.
4. Just to give you a brief overview.
5. I'll be saying more about this in a minute.
6. I'm sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.
7. There's an important point to be made here.
8. OK, let's move on. (go on to make your next point)
9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.
10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.
11. Are there any questions you'd like to ask at this point?
12. I'd like to look at this in more detail.
13. Let's put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)
14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.
15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)
16. So, to sum up?
17. That brings me to the end of my talk.
18. Thank you. I'm sure you all have lots of questions.
Thousand times no! 絕對辦不到!
Don't mention it. 沒關系,別客氣。
Who knows! 天曉得!
It is not a big deal! 沒什麼了不起!
How come… 怎麼回事,怎麼搞的。
Easy does it. 慢慢來。
Don't push me. 別逼我。
Come on! 快點,振作起來!
Have a good of it.玩的很高興。
It is urgent. 有急事。
What is the fuss? 吵什麼?
Still up? 還沒睡呀?
It doesn't make any differences. 沒關系。
Don't let me down. 別讓我失望。
God works. 上帝的安排。
Don't take ill of me. 別生我氣。
Hope so. 希望如此。
Go down to business. 言歸正傳。
None of my business. 不關我事。
It doesn't work. 不管用。
I'm not going. 我不去了。
Does it serve your purpose? 對你有用嗎?
I don't care. 我不在乎。
Not so bad. 不錯。
No way! 不可能!
Don't flatter me. 過獎了。
Your are welcome. 你太客氣了。
It is a long story. 一言難盡。
Between us. 你知,我知。
Big mouth! 多嘴驢!
Sure thin! 當然!
I''m going to go. 我這就去。
Never mind. 不要緊。
Can-do. 能人。
Close-up. 特寫鏡頭。
Drop it! 停止!
Bottle it! 閉嘴!
Don''t play possum! 別裝蒜!
There is nobody by that name working here.這裡沒有這個人。
He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽煙。
Break the rules. ?#96;反規則。
How big of you! 你真棒!
Poor thing! 真可憐!
Nuts! 呸;胡說;混蛋
Make it up! 不記前嫌!
Watch you mouth. 注意言辭。
Any urgent thing? 有急事嗎?
How about eating out? 外面吃飯怎樣?
Don't over do it. 別太過分了。
Can you dig it? 你搞明白了嗎?
I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。
You want a bet? 你想打賭嗎?
What if I go for you? 我替你去怎麼樣?
Who wants? 誰稀罕?
December heartbeat. 黃昏戀。
Follow my nose. 憑直覺做某事。
Cheap skate! 小氣鬼!
Go to hell!下地獄去吧!
Come seat here. 來這邊坐。
Good luck! 祝你好運!
Gild the lily. 畫蛇添足。
Make it. 達到目的,獲得成功。
I'll be seeing you. 再見。
He has an ax to grind. 他另有企圖。
I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能讓我搭一程嗎?
It is raining. 要下雨了。
Can I have this. 可以給我這個嗎?
I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂靜。
Why are you so sure? 怎麼這樣肯定?
Is that so? 是這樣嗎?
Don't get loaded. 別喝醉了。
Stay away from him. 別*近他。
Don't get high hat. 別擺架子。
Right over there. 就在那裏。
Doggy bag. 打包袋。
That rings a bell. 聽起來耳熟。
Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香。
Play hooky. 曠工、曠課。
I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我當家。
It's up in the air. 尚未確定。
Side dish. 配菜。
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。
Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。
Good for you! 好得很!
Go ahead. 繼續。
Help me out. 幫幫我。
Let's bag it. 先把它擱一邊。
Lose head. 喪失理智。
Talk truly. 有話直說。
He is the pain on neck. 他真讓人討厭。
Do you have straw? 你有吸管嗎?
You bet! 一定,當然!
That is a boy! 太好了,好極了!
It's up to you. 由你決定。
The line is engaged. 占線。
My hands are full right now. 我現在很忙。
Don't make up a story. 不要捏造事實。
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小別勝新婚。
She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊塗。
Get an eyeful. 看個夠。
He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很銳利。
Shoot the breeze. 閑談。
Tell me when! 隨時奉陪!
It is a small world! 世界真是小!
Not at all. 根本就不(用)。
Let's play it by ear. 讓我們隨興所至。
Wait and see. 等著瞧。
Why so blue? 怎麼垂頭喪氣?
What brought you here? 什麼風把你吹來了?
Hang on! 抓緊(別掛電話)!
Leave me alone. 別理我。
Chin up. 不氣 ,振作些。
You never know. 世事難料。
High jack! 舉起手來(搶劫)!
Why die she marry a man old enough to be her father?
I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家裏。
She'll be along in a few minutes. 他馬上會過來。
I'm not it a good mood. 沒有心情(做某事)。
He is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。
I'm bored to death. 我無聊死了。
Bottoms up! 幹杯!
Daring! 親愛的!
Here we are! 我們到了!
I lost my way. 我迷路了。
She is still mad at me. 她還在生我的氣。
I'll get even with him one day. 我總有一天跟他扯平。
Hit the ceiling. 大發雷霆。
She's got quite a wad. 她身懷巨款。
I don't have anywhere to be. 沒地方可去。
I'm dying to see you. 我很想見你。
I swear by the god. 我對天發誓。
Nothing tricky. 別耍花招。
You might at least apologize. 你頂多道個歉就得了。
Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.
None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。
Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎麼不講道理。
When are you leaving? 你什麼時候走?
You don't say so. 未必吧,不至於這樣吧。
Don't get me wrong. 別誤會我。
You don't seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起來不大對勁。
Do you have any money on you? 你身上帶錢了嗎?
What is you major? 你學什麼專業?
My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。
It was something that happens once in the blue moon. 這是千載難逢的事。
It is a deal! 一言為定。
I'll kick you ***. 我將炒你魷魚。
Dinner is on me. 晚飯我請。
Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家問好。
Not precisely! 不見得,不一定!
That is unfair. 這不公平!
We have no way out. 我們沒辦法。
That is great! 太棒了!
You are welcome! 別客氣!
I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜歡遲到而讓別人久等。
Would you mind making less noise. 能不能小聲點。
It doesn't take much of you time. 這不花你好多時間。
Not in the long run. 從長遠來說不是這樣的。
It is of high quality. 它質量上乘。
There is nobody by that name working here. 這裏沒有這個人。
He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽煙。
He pushes his luck. 他太貪心了。
Break the rules. 違反規則。
How big of you! 你真棒!
Poor thing! 真可憐!
Nuts! 呸;胡說;混蛋!
Blast! **!
Boy! (表示驚奇,興奮等)哇!好家夥!
Get out of here! 滾出去!
I can't make both ends meet. 我上個月接不到下個月,缺錢。
It can be a killer. 這是個傷腦筋的問題。
Dead end. 死胡同。
Take a seat! 請坐!
Here ye! 說得對!
You ask for it! 活該!
You don't say! 真想不到!
Fresh paint! 油漆未幹!
喜歡城 发表于11:11:26 | 阅读全文 | 评论 0 | 编辑 | 分享 0
2008-12-26美語挺多沒見過的說法,別錯過 - [轉 英語]
當別人在你旁邊羅嗦個沒完,你煩透了,說"You are so boring ."(你真煩!)。"Shut up !"(閉嘴!)自然沒錯,可人家受得了嗎?不如來一句"Oh, come on .Give me a break !" (幫幫忙,讓我歇歇吧!)這多地道、多幽默。
要想說人“氣色好”。"You look fine !"當然不錯,可如果你說"You’re in the pink !"就妙得多了,實際上,在英語口語中,表示顏色的詞用起來非常形象生動。
“他精力充沛”美國人說:"He is bouncy."而不說"He is energetic."牢記一些日常對話中的活句式是你一把必備的鑰匙。如:久仰,"I get mind of you."比"I heard a lot about you."輕松得多。
代問他人好當然能用"Please remember me to your sister ." 或"Please give my best wishes to your father "不過,若是很好的朋友,何不說,"Please give my love to Jim."
在中國可不能隨便說“我想你”,然而,當和西方人分手時說"I will miss you ."要比說"Good-bye"或"See you soon"有趣得多,不妨一試。
有人開會遲到了,你若對他說"You are late ."聽起來象是廢話,若說"Did you get lost ?"則更能讓他歉然,可別說成"Get lost!"那可是讓人滾蛋的意思。
別人征求你的意見,問能否開窗戶等,你要說"You can do that ."就有點土了,用一句"Do you have the time? "實際上,問他人的姓名,地址都可以這麼用:"May I have you name?"要比"What’s your name ? "禮貌得多,不過警察例外。
別人問你不願公開的問題,切勿用"It’s my secret,Don’t ask such a personal question ."回答,一來顯得你沒有個性,二來也讓對方尷尬。你可以說"I would rather not say ."(還是別說了吧!)。
有時候,你想說什麼,可說是想不起來,你可以說"Well …""Let me see""Just a moment "或"It’s on the tip of my tongue."等,想比之下,最後一個句型是最地道的。
交談時,你可能會轉換話題,不要只說"By the way."實際上,"To change the subject""Before I forget""While I remember""Mind you"都是既地道有受歡迎的表達。
遇到你不懂的問題時可別不懂裝懂,"I know"可能是中國人用得最多,而美國人最不能接受的一句話。當一美國教師向你解釋某個問題時,你如果連說兩遍"I know"我敢保證,他不會再跟你說什麼了。用"I got it "就順耳得多,要是不懂就說"I’m not clear about it ."不過如果你會說"It’s past my understanding"或"It’s beyond me ."你的教師定會驚訝不已的。
☆ a black sheep 敗家子 綿羊一般為白色,一旦成了黑色的綿羊,一定是個“敗類”。
Eric is a black sheep ,splashing one million dollars in a few years .
☆ A rough diamond 內秀外粗的人 Rough diamond 指“沒加工的鑽石”,用來指內秀外粗的人,真是妙語! The guy is really a rough diamond , and he can get everything right ,although he is a little bit careless .
☆ Be level-headed (calm and relaxed) 頭腦冷靜的人 可別以為 level-headed 是“小平頭”,“平頭”的英語說法是“crew cut”,他留了個平頭——He wears his hair in a crew cut .
My boss ,John Smith ,is the most level –headed man I’ve ever known .
☆ A greaseball (greasy guy ) 油腔滑調的人,“老油條” Grease 油脂的意思,greaseball 的意思是塗滿油脂的球,專指那些油腔滑調的人,這類人近似於我們常說的“嘴太貧”的人。
Mary’s boyfriend is such a greaseball , I don’t know why she is so crazy about him .
☆ Weigh on one’s mind 心事重重
Do you know what has happened to her recently? She seems to have something that weighs heavily on her mind these days.
☆ Be green-eyed (be jealousy) 嫉妒的“紅眼病” 源自莎士比亞名劇《奧賽羅》第3幕第3場中的臺詞“O! be ware , my lord ,of jealousy;/It’s the green-eyed monster… …“ 中國人嫉妒時,是“紅眼病”,英美國家的人則“綠了眼”,有意思。在美國,有時直接用green表示嫉妒。
When I got the well-paid job in a foreign company , my friends were somewhat green with envy .
☆ Your doggy looks quite lovely , doesn’t he ? (你的狗寶寶看上去真可愛!)
☆ Excuse me ,but your blue coat is pretty beautiful ,Where did you buy it ? (打擾你了。你的藍上衣真是漂亮,哪兒買的?) 在同外國人士交往過程中,你要注意別人的外表是否有了大的變化或添了新的裝飾,如新發型、新衣服、首飾等。然後加以適當的贊美,但無須過分,否則就有虛情假意之嫌.即便是對方外觀沒有大的改觀,但比平時略顯精神,你也可以說, “Ben, you look very good today.”或Ben ,you’re looking energetic these days .” (本,你近來顯得活力十足。)
☆ “Hey, I’m crazy about your new bicycle.” (嘿,我真喜歡你的新自行車。)
☆ “Your new dress has brilliant color!” (你的新衣服顏色真鮮豔!)
☆ “I can’t imagine you have such a splendid house !” (真不敢相信你竟有這麼豪華的房子。)
☆ “How nice your office looks “ (你的辦公室看上去不錯。)
不過在吃飯時,外國人對你菜肴的贊美往往只是禮貌,即使他們吃不慣,他們也會說“The dish is delicious ”可不要拿出中國人的豪爽,沒完沒了給他夾菜,浪費了不說,還常常弄得對方難堪。
3.中國人很少當面誇贊別人的妻子長得如何漂亮,而在西方文化中, 對別人妻子的贊美是活躍氣氛並且很受歡迎的。不過,贊美之後,你的眼睛久久不能從那女士的臉上挪開,可就另當別論了。
4.贊美別人的首飾或衣服之後不要畫蛇添足, 問她一句,“It must be very expensive. How much is it?”(這一定很貴吧。多少錢啊?)
5.無論別人怎樣贊美你,你只要一句“Thanks a lot.”就足以達到交流的效果,無須中國式的謙虛,“No, No”,會讓贊美你的人莫明其妙,甚至認為你懷疑他的審美觀有問題。
6.美國老師上課時大多慈悲為懷,只要學生開口,無論怎樣信口開河或者牛頭不對馬嘴,老師都會說“Good job!”;“Very nice!”;“Ok, you have a creative answer”;“What an original opinion!”。這既能鼓勵學生,又能激發學生參與的積極性。這可是中國老師不妨學學的地方。
break one's heart
由break 和beart構成的詞很多,如:hearbreak(極度傷心); hearbreaking(使心碎的),heat-broken(極度傷心的) ,大家可能注意到都是和"傷心"有關,break one's heat 就是指傷透某人的心。
A:You look so sad ! what happened B: I broke up with my girl friend yesterday A: Did you ? I had the same experience ,It almost broke my heart . B : But luckily you're all right now .
brush to one side
brush的意思是"推、拂"從字面上看,該習語的意思是:"把… …拂到一邊去,",由此引申為"不屑一顧"
A : Helen's become so proud since she married that rich man . B : I once talked with her ,but she brushed all my suggestion to one side . A : She'll ask for it . B: Sure .
butt in
butt 有"沖、撞、冒冒失失地開"的意思。在美國俚語中,butt in 指"幹涉、插嘴"。
A: Don't butt in ,You're still wet behind the ears You know nothing about our business. B: Why don't you let me air my opinions ? I have no say in this house . A : What do you know about our business ? Your mum and I have been in trouble . B: That's why I wanted to know what the trouble is I might be of some help .
by the way
A:Do you often keep in touch with Jane ? B: Yeah ,we call each other if we have time . A: I haven't seen her for a long time B :She changes a lot . A: I saw her last night ,By the way ,do you know ,she's married ? B: Yea ,with Johnson . A: It's a little bit surprising ,isn't it ? B: Yes ,indeed .
1.Be on one's high horse 趾高氣揚
2.Fight tooth and nail 猛烈作戰
3.Out of sight and out of mind 眼不見心不煩
4.Face the music 臨危不懼 busy as a bee 極忙碌
6.No pains , no gains 不勞無獲
7.Black and blue . 遍體鱗傷
8.Every dog has his day 人皆有得意時
9.A green hand 生手
10.Walls have ears 隔牆有耳
11.Chewing gum 口香糖
12.On top of the world 心滿意足
13.A black sheep 害群之馬
14.A piece of cake 輕松的事
15.Look before you leap 三思而後行
16.Easier said than done 說起來容易做起來難
17.Better half 配偶
18.Be all ears 全神貫注地傾聽
19.Failure is the mother of success 失敗乃成功之母
20.Serve one right 活該
1.Is that so?真是那樣嗎?
2.Don't play games with me!別跟我耍花招!
3.don't know for sure.我不確切知道。
4.I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你開玩笑的。
5.That's something. 太好了,太棒了 。
6.Brilliant idea! 這主意真棒!
8.Thanks anyway.無論如何我還是得謝謝你。
9.It's a deal.一言為定。
10.Mind you!請注意!聽著!
11.You can count on it.你盡管相信好了,盡管放心。
12.I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜歡這東西。 13、That depends.看情況再說。
14.Do you really mean it? 此話當真?
15.You are a great help.你幫了大忙 。
16.I couldn't be more sure. 我再也肯定不過。
17.I am behind you.我支持你。
18.I'm broke.我身無分文。
19.After you.你先請。
20.I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。
1.Don't take it to heart. 別往心裏去,
2.We'd better be off.我們該走了
3.Let's face it. 面對現實吧
4.Let's get started.咱們開始幹吧
5.I'm really dead. 我真要累死了
6.I've done my best. 我已盡力了
7.I couldn't care less.我不在乎
8.I couldn't agree more我完全同意
9.I couldn't please you more 我盡量使你高興
10.No bones about it. 真實的,誠懇的
11.take it on me!這是我的,請用吧
12.You never know. 天曉得
13.You may say that again.我同意
14.If you insist.恭敬不如從命
15.You can count on me.
16.I wish I could.我不行
17.I mean it.我是認真的
18.I am not kidding.
19.That's really sth. 真了不起
20.I'll be back.我會回來的
1.When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously. 據倫敦消息報道,一只野生的美洲獅在距倫敦南面45英裏處被發現,這些報告並沒有受到重視。
2.It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. 當她看見美洲獅時,美洲獅立刻掉頭而逃,椐專家證明,美洲豹除非被逼得走投無路,是決不會傷人的。
3.It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. 想到在寧靜的鄉村裏有一關危險的野獸繼續逍遙流竄,真令人擔心。
4.It must have been in the possession of a private collector. 它一定是屬於一位私人收藏家的。
5.I want give you a surprise. You certainly did give me a surprise. 我想給你一個驚喜。你確實給了我一個驚喜。
6.Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the WuHan island of China. 不久之前,在中國的武漢,考古學家們有了一項有趣的發現。
7.The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. 這座古城肯定一度很繁榮,因為它曾享有高度的文明。
8.Houses - often three storeys high - were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. 這些通常有三層高的房子,用石頭修建,裏面房間很大,牆壁裝飾華麗。
9.She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. 她身高3英尺,雙手叉腰。
10.She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. 她穿著一件拖地長裙。
11.Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. 盡管上了年紀,但體態確實優美,不過,考古工作者至今未能確定這位女神的身份。
12.These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. 如今,從事體力勞動的人的收入一般要比坐辦公室的人高出許多。
13.People who work in offices are frequently referred to as "white-collar workers" for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to walk. 坐辦公室的人之所以常常被稱作"白領工人",就是因為他們通常是穿著硬領白襯衫,系著領帶去上班。
14.This can give rise to curious situations. 這能增加好奇心。
15.He left home dressed in a smart black suit. 他穿著一身漂亮的黑色套裝出了家門。
16.His wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will. 他的妻子從未發現自己嫁給了一個她從來不願意嫁的清潔工。
17.He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but, he feels that he rise in status is well worth the loss of money. 他將來掙的錢只有他現在的一半,不過他覺得,地位升高了,損失點兒錢也值得。
18.Such is human nature, that man like money women like beauty. 這就是人類的本性--男人愛錢,女人愛美。
19.Such is human nature, that man always desire to earn more money. 人總有想掙到更多的錢的欲望,這就是人類的本性。
20.Boyfriend leave , tears stream down me face . 男友離開了,我淚如雨下。
- Jul 24 Tue 2012 16:12