Input: Price(Close), NumBars(1), MA_length(20);
variable: MA(0), slope(0);
MA = average(price, MA_length);
slope = arctangent((MA - MA[NumBars])/NumBars);
plot1(slope, "slope");
If you need the the degrees instead of the radians change
slope = arctangent((MA - MA[NumBars])/NumBars);
slope = arctangent((MA - MA[NumBars])/NumBars)*180/3.141592654;
This is the function that I am going to try out for my project. I think that is the closest I can get using the multicharts software.
TLAngle (Function)
The TLAngle function returns the angle of a trendline.
TLAngle(StartPrice, StartBar, EndPrice, EndBar)
Name Type Description
StartPrice Numeric Sets the price of the trendline start point.
StartBar Numeric Sets the bar number of the trendline start point.
EndPrice Numeric Sets the price of the trendline end point.
EndBar Numeric Sets the bar number of the trendline end point.
Returns (Double0
A numeric value representing the angle of the specified trendline.
To calculate the angle, the function requires that you specify the start and end bars for the trendline as well as the start
and end prices. The inputs StartPrice and EndPrice are the start price and end price, respectively, of the
trendline. They are usually replaced by values such as Close, High, Low, and so on, or are replaced with numeric
series type inputs.
Also, you must offset the Price by its corresponding bar number. For example, if you want the trendline angle for a
line drawn from the Close of ten bars ago to the Close of the current bar, replace the inputs StartPrice,
StartBar, EndPrice, and EndBar with the values Close[10], 10, Close[0], and 0 respectively.
The inputs StartBar and EndBar refer to the bar numbers of the starting and ending points of the trendline. These
inputs must be replaced by positive whole numbers or be replaced with numeric simple type inputs.
The formula used is a simple rise over run calculation to obtain the slope; the formula then takes the arctangent of that
slope. In fact, you can obtain the same value as the TLAngle function by taking the ArcTangent of the TLSlope
Plot1(TLAngle(High,1,High 9);
See Also
HI Insideday,
Thanks for this function. I will try this later today to see if there is any difference between TLEasyAngle function which is builtin inside multicharts and your one.
Here is a description of this function.
TLAngleEasy (Function)
The TLAngleEasy function returns the angle of a trendline with one price input.
TLAngleEasy(Price, StartBar, EndBar)
Returns (Double)
A numeric value containing the angle of a trendline.
Name Type Description
Price Numeric Specifies which bar value (price, function, or formula) to use.
StartBar Numeric Sets the bar number of the trendline start point.
EndBar Numeric Sets the bar number of the trendline end point.
This function is similar to TLAngle, except that you cannot specify different prices for the start and end points. This
function uses the same price on the start and end bars.
The formula used is a simple rise over run calculation to obtain the slope; the formula then takes the cotangent of that
slope. In fact, you can obtain the same value as the TLAngleEasy function by taking the ArcTangent of the TLSlope
Plot1(TLAngleEasy(High,1, 9);
As I said my platform doesn't provide this function, but the formula I ended up with basically mimics yours. It's basically a pythagorean expression where the length of the adjacent angle is your "NumBars."
However, I found that an easier way to all of this is simply to look for bars outside of the bb (standards of deviation). The StDevs in essence create angles for you and a bar that exceeds the bb exceeds that angle. I hope that makes sense. Not to detract from those of you who are doing it this way.
- Jul 25 Wed 2012 17:05
How Do I Get an Angle from an EMA? ( Multicharts Software )